Outlining your paper will give you easy work of either eliminating or adding paragraphs in your article. You have to know that when you write your first draft, there will be so many things to correct. You will find that there are many points that you will repeat, and others will not even be necessary. If you are not capable of revising your paper, you can consider creating an outline for every paragraph. When you are a student, you should expect anything in terms of writing. You have to practice as much as you can so that you do not get any difficulty. After doing enough practice, you will know what to write and what not to write.
It gives them a clue about what to expect in your paper. If you write a boring introduction, you do not have any chances of passing. No reader can concentrate on work that has a shallow introduction. You should introduce your topic in this part and let the reader know more about it. Do not write too much word in this part because you do not have to exaggerate it. Make it simple and precise. It has to flow in a way that the reader will understand. Do not write your introduction last after writing the other parts of your paper. It is perfect when you start, then you move to the other parts. You have to do that to avoid any confusion, and it will help your paper flow properly.
Thesis Statement
It should come right after your introduction and should bring out the reasons for your arguments. It is a vital part that prepares the reader right after reading the introduction. Every other section that you write next will be able to support the thesis statement.
The background should not miss in your work. It contains the literature review surveys the state on the topic. The motive of this section is to bring out the project by bringing any gap in the research.
Major and Minor Points
Major points are the foundation of your paper. They make the paper flow naturally by bringing out the objectives. It makes the paper flow well up to the last section, which is the conclusion. Each point you consider should relate to the argument you have.
The minor ones are the subtopics you write after your main points. They are not able to support themselves without the main points. They need each other for their significance to come out clearly.
The other part of your paper will entail both of them. Each main point you right should go together with the argument. They help in building the other ones that you have written.
The conclusion should not contain anything new apart from the points in the paper. Re-read your thesis statement again and remove some objectives from there, and include them in your conclusion. Do not forget to include the conclusion part in your work because you will end up failing. Remember, it is the last part that you have to work on whenever you write any paper.